When it comes to the health of your back, there are several ways that you can develop pain. While it's always possible to hurt your back due to a car accident or a sports injury, your career choice can also increase your risk of back pain. Whether you suffer an acute career-related back injury or you develop discomfort as a result of repeated movements, it's important to take the health of your back seriously. If you're employed in a career in which there is a heightened risk of hurting your back, it's important to both strengthen your back through exercise and see a back care professional such as a chiropractor regularly. Here are some professions that could pose a threat to your back health.


Moving can be extremely tough on your back. Throughout much of the day, you're lifting objects that are heavy — and occasionally bending in awkward positions to lift heavy objects. You don't want to suffer a back injury that inhibits your ability to work, so taking care of your back is paramount. On the job, there are several things that you can do for your back. For example, using a wheeled cart instead of lifting something or using moving straps to lift and carry heavy objects can be helpful. Additionally, you should always bend your hips and knees, rather than your back, as you lift.


On the surface, being a nurse might not seem as though it's risky for your back. While many of your daily activities won't threaten your back health, a big concern is moving patients. Those who are infirm and require help getting in and out of bed, in and out of the bathroom, and even in and out of wheelchairs, can put a considerable strain on your back. This can especially be the case if you're bending forward over a bed, for example, as your back is already in a vulnerable position. It's imperative to use the proper lifting mechanics and recruit help from other staff members whenever possible.


Being a roofer is a physically demanding profession that requires you to be careful about your back. When you're repairing or replacing a roof, you'll spend long stretches of time with your back bent. Maintaining this position at length can put pressure on your lower back and potentially push discs out of alignment, causing considerable pain. It's imperative to strengthen your back through weight training, as well as take frequent breaks when you're able.
